Radon's theorem
Any set of \(d+2\) points in \(R^d\) can be partitioned into two disjoint sets whose convex hulls intersect.
In two dimension, this means that given four points, you can find a way to classify them into two classes so that the two classes cannot be separated by a single straight line. This is related to the concept of Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension.
The VC dimension quantify the capacity of a statistical classification algorithm. The larger the VC dimension is, the more capable it is to classify complicated dataset.
The \(d+2\) points cannot be linearly independent. Furthermore, we can choose the coefficients so that the sum of them is zero. This is possible because the system of linear equations is under-determined.
Classify the \(d+2\) points based on whether the corresponding coefficient is positive or negative. Then using these coordinates we can construct a point that is a convex combination of points of either class.
This point must belong to the convex hull of each class. Q.E.D.
Ref: Wikipedia